
The first Inuit tabletop game
Game components are water proof; you can play outside

Order your copy of Nunami

2 or 4 players

Includes expansion cards

Passa Mangiuk's artwork inspired by our Inuit stories enhance Nunami's game play. Play as one of the character with it's supernatural ability.

15 to 45 minutes

2 players: Spend quick and thought intensive 15 minutes with another player.

4 players: Spend a while longer exploring an environment and managing 4 communities with three other players.

Example of cards when playing

2 player mode: Play with two types community cards and with the snow cards.

4 player mode: Play with four types of community cards, with the snow and the sand cards.

A go to (anywhere) game

Just keep the box and the books dry

Elegant. High production quality. Great theme. Clear, minimalist art style. A much-needed message that celebrates diversity and equality. I backed this on Kickstarter and own a physical copy of the game.


I backed this on Kickstarter and enjoyed sharing the developer's journey.

This is a heartfelt game from a different perspective for me. The quality of the game is high, the production is beautiful and the message is needed!


A fun game for the whole family that makes you think.

Douglas Loader